§ 2.05. Mayor as presiding officer.
The mayor shall preside at meetings of the council, shall have a vote as provided in section 2.04; shall have veto power except where the vote of the mayor was necessary for passage, as provided in section 2.04, and the mayor shall have five (5) days after meetings of the council in which to sign or veto any ordinances, orders and resolutions adopted. If the mayor shall fail to sign the ordinance, order or resolution within said five (5) days, or, upon passage overriding his veto as hereinafter stated, an ordinance, order or resolution so adopted shall become effective upon the expiration of said time or upon passage over veto by the mayor without signature by the mayor. The council may pass any such ordinance, order or resolution, notwithstanding the veto, by a vote of three-fourths of the total number of councilmen, to be taken by ayes and nays, and entered upon the minutes. The mayor shall be the ceremonial head of the city; shall sign ordinances and resolutions on their final passage, except as above provided; may make short-term loans in the name of the city when authorized by the council to do so; shall sign deeds, bonds and contracts when authorized by the council to do so; and shall perform such other duties imposed by this charter and duly adopted ordinances.