§ 6.01. Creation.
There is hereby established a court to be known as the "Municipal Court, City of Cartersville" which shall have jurisdiction and authority to try offenses against the laws and ordinances of said city and to punish for a violation of the same. Such court shall have the power to enforce its judgments by the imposition of such penalties as may be provided by the laws of Georgia, to subpoena witnesses, to punish witnesses for nonattendance, and to try all offenses occurring within the territorial limits of the City of Cartersville including traffic cases which under the laws of Georgia are now or hereafter placed within the jurisdiction of municipal or police courts to the extent of and in accordance with the provisions of such laws and all laws subsequently enacted amendatory thereof, to establish bail and recognizances to insure the presence of those charged with violations and may prescribe the conditions of forfeiture of the same; and to administer oaths and to perform all other acts necessary and proper to the conduct of said court. The presiding officer of such court shall be known as the judge of the municipal court. Said court shall be convened at such times as designated by ordinance or at such times as deemed necessary to keep current the dockets thereof. The court shall sit at a place designated by the mayor and council.