The hearing officer shall, within a reasonable time not to exceed thirty (30) days
from the date a hearing before the hearing officer is terminated, submit a written
report to the mayor and city council. Such report shall contain a brief summary of
the evidence considered and state findings, conclusions and recommendations. All such
reports shall be filed with the city clerk, and shall be considered public records.
A copy of such report shall be forwarded by certified mail to the licensee/appellant
the same day it is filed with the city clerk, with additional copies furnished to
the city manager, director of planning and development and chief of police.
The city clerk shall place the hearing officer's report on the agenda of the next
regular mayor and city council meeting occurring not less than ten (10) days after
the report is filed and shall notify the licensee/appellant of the date of such meeting
at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting unless the licensee/appellant stipulates
to a shorter notice period.