§ 10-560. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Charitable films shall mean commercials, motion pictures, television, videotapes, digital recording or still photography produced by a nonprofit organization, which qualifies under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as a charitable organization. No person, directly or indirectly, shall receive a profit from the marketing and production of the film or from showing the films, tapes or photos.

    Film, filming or film activity shall mean and include all activity attendant to staging or shooting commercial motion pictures, television shows or programs, commercials, and student films produced to satisfy a post-secondary school course requirement at an educational institution in any medium including film, tape or digital format, including but not limited to, motion pictures, television, or commercial still photography.

    High impact film activities. In general, high impact film activities are those that fall outside two (2) or more of the criteria for a low impact activity. Additional criteria that classify a film activity as high impact include: (1) high speed chases or crashes; (2) use of pyrotechnics or explosives; or (3) use of aircraft.

    Low impact film activities. In general, low impact activities are defined as those which: (1) allow uninterrupted flow of pedestrian traffic; (2) hold vehicular traffic for no more than one-minute intervals; (3) utilize no more than four (4) on-street parking spaces in any linear block containing businesses dependent on on-street parking; (4) have minimal impact on normal business activities; (5) take place in the downtown business district outside normal business hours; (6) utilize no more than fifty (50) percent of the on-street parking spaces in any linear block containing business not dependent on on-street parking; (7) utilize no on-street parking where there are no marked on-street parking spaces; (8) utilize no parking in alleys without prior approval by the abutting businesses and the fire department; (9) provide parking for cast, crew, extras and other nonessential vehicles in off-street lots, as well as alternate parking for those displaced from these lots; (10) provide a private holding area for extras; and (11) conduct prep and wrap activities in accordance with the above.

    News media shall mean the photographing, filming or videotaping for the purpose of spontaneous, unplanned television news broadcast or reporting for print media by reporters, photographers or camerapersons.

    Studio shall mean a fixed place of business where filming activities (motion or still photography) are regularly conducted upon the premises.

(Ord. No. 11-17, § 1, 4-20-17)