§ 17-69. Landscaping alternative installation agreement.  

Latest version.
  • Required landscaping of new developments in the City of Cartersville must be installed prior to the recording of the final plat for that phase or prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for that phase as stated in the City of Cartersville Code of Ordinances, Chapter 17, Article IV, Landscaping Ordinance, section 17-67.

    However, during the non-planting season (March through September) such required installation of landscaping materials on properties that do not have an underground irrigation system to provide water to the newly installed landscaping may be waived. This waiver may also be allowed during periods of outdoor watering restrictions with the agreement that all required landscaping shall be installed no later than October 31st of the same year, and upon installation, the owner of the property or his or her agent or representative shall contact the department of planning and development for an inspection of the landscaping for compliance with the landscaping plan for the subject property.

    Failure to install the required landscaping materials by the above stated deadline shall be considered a violation of the City of Cartersville Landscaping Ordinance whereby the property owner shall be notified of such violation as stated under section 17-70, Enforcement, Violations and Penalties, and subject to said penalties as stated therein.

    I ___________, owner or agent or representative of the property

    (Please Print)

    located at ___________


    have read the above agreement and do hereby agree to the requirements as stated herein.

    Phone #_______

    Signed ___________

    Date _______

(Ord. No. 43-09, § 1, 10-1-09)