§ 20-36. Application.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Who may apply. Permits shall be issued only to:


    The owner of the real property where the sign is to be located;


    A lessee who is the owner of the sign structure or proposed sign structure and whom has the right to install or maintain a sign on the real property where the sign is to be located; or


    The erector of the sign.

    An applicant who is a lessee shall produce a copy of the lease or a written statement from the owner of the real property that the applicant has the right to maintain a sign on the property. A sign erector shall produce a copy of a current occupational tax certificate and proof of insurance or bond as required by the public liability insurance section of this article, plus a written statement of authority from the owner and/or lessee. Application may be made by the owner, lessee or agent of the owner or lessee.

    The city may require that the application be accompanied by two (2) copies of the following: Site plans showing location of structures upon the property on which the sign is to be located and the location of the sign in relation to the structures, property lines, public rights-of-way, and other signs; plans, specifications and structural details showing the type and manner of construction, attachment to buildings or in-ground erection; and a visual representation of the completed sign. The city may require said plans to bear the signature and seal of a registered land surveyor, professional engineer, architect or land planner. Each application shall include a signed statement from the landowner or possessor of the property giving consent to entry into the property for the purpose of inspection and enforcement of this article. If classification of the road on which the property fronts is of importance to the permit process, the city may require the applicant to submit certified documents from the state department of transportation or the United States Department of Transportation or their successors regarding the classification of the road.


    Contents. Applications for sign permits required by this article shall be filed in duplicate by the person owning the subject property, or the owner's agent, in the office of the director of planning and development upon forms furnished by that office. The application shall describe and set forth the following:


    The type of the sign as defined in this article;


    The value of the sign;


    The square foot area per sign and the aggregate square foot area if there is more than one (1) sign face;


    The name and address of the owner of the real property upon which the subject sign is to be located;


    The property owner's written consent, or his or her agent, granting permission for the placement, maintenance, size, and height of the subject sign to be placed on the property;


    For wall signs, two (2) sets of building elevations;


    The name, address, telephone number and business license number of the sign contractor. All applicants for signs which incorporate new electrical service must obtain an electrical permit;


    Sign details, including a proposed color scheme of sign, and scaled elevation of the size and height of the proposed sign from ground level and adjacent street level.

(Ord. No. 26-12, 5-3-12)