§ 4.17. Buffer and screening requirements.  

Latest version.
  • Buffers or screening as required by this chapter are subject to review and approval by the zoning administrator. The following are required standards for buffers and shall be utilized by the zoning administrator in reviewing development plans:


    Buffers shall be designated on the site plan and required plats as permanent buffer strip or area.


    Buffers shall be natural/undisturbed areas of existing mature trees, which meet the intent of the definition of buffer. Where substantially devoid of existing trees, or where it is necessary to disturb the existing natural area, a planted/landscaped buffer shall be established in accordance with this section.


    Buffers shall be established and maintained along required adjoining property to meet the minimum width requirements as stated within the individual zoning district development standards.


    Buffers shall provide year-round visual screening from the ground to a height of at least six (6) feet.


    Buffers that utilize trees and/or other vegetation shall be installed not only to provide visual screening, but to allow for proper plan growth and maintenance.


    Buffer design shall be integrated with the overall design concept of the project.


    Existing tree cover and natural vegetation shall be undisturbed for areas designated as natural/undisturbed except for the addition of supplemental plantings or other approved screening, devices, or for the provision of required access or utility crossings as approved by the zoning administrator. Where a buffer is substantially devoid of trees and shrubbery, or where a planted/landscaped buffer is proposed by the developer, grading may be allowed within the buffer area prior to replanting or the provision of other screening devises as required.


    All plantings, with exception of infill plantings as may be approved by the zoning administrator, shall be in staggered rows, with vegetation spaced fifteen (15) feet apart (measured trunk to trunk) with a minimum of two (2) staggered rows of plantings for buffers designated to be fifteen (15) feet or smaller in width. Planting, maintenance, and removal shall be in accordance with the Cartersville landscaping ordinance.