§ 11.1. P-I Public/institutional district.

Latest version.
  • 11.1.1.

    P-I district scope and intent. The P-I district encompasses lands devoted to uses which may be privately owned or owned by the state or local government as further described in section 3.1.23 of this chapter.


    Use regulations. Within the P-I district, land and structures shall be used in accordance with the standards herein. Any use not specifically designated as allowed shall be prohibited.


    Permitted uses. Structures and land may be used for only the following purposes:

    Amateur radio transmitter.

    Cemeteries (human).

    Cemeteries (pet).

    Clubs or lodges (noncommercial).

    Colleges and universities.

    Day care facilities.

    Funeral homes (crematories may be allowed in conjunction with a funeral home with approval of a special use).

    Governmental buildings.

    Governmental facilities.



    Institutions of higher learning, business colleges, music conservatories, and similar institutions.


    Medical offices, clinic.

    Nursing home.

    Parks, public or private.

    Radio, television, or other communication towers.

    Recreation centers or facilities.

    Religious institutions.

    Retirement center.

    Schools, public and private.


    Development standards.


    Height regulations. Buildings shall not exceed a height of forty-five (45) feet or three and one-half (3½ stories), whichever is higher.


    Minimum development area.

    Fifteen (15) acres (cemeteries for humans).

    Five (5) acres (cemeteries for pets).


    Front yard setback:

    Structures other than cemeteries: Twenty (20) feet.

    Cemeteries: Fifty (50) feet.


    Side yard setback:

    Structures other than cemeteries: Ten (10) feet.

    Cemeteries: One hundred (100) feet.


    Rear yard setback:

    Structures other than cemeteries: Twenty (20) feet.

    Cemeteries: One hundred (100) feet.


    Setback for graves: Fifty (50) feet from all property lines.


    Minimum lot frontage: One hundred ten (110) feet adjoining a street.


    Minimum lot width at the building line: One hundred (100) feet.


    Minimum buffer requirements. In addition to required setbacks, a minimum fifteen-foot wide buffer shall be required along all property lines which abut a residential district or use to provide a visual screen in accordance with section 4.17 of this chapter.


    Outdoor storage. Outside storage and parking of maintenance equipment shall be screened from all adjoining properties and streets in accordance with section 4.17 of this chapter.


    Accessory structure requirements. See section 4.9 of this chapter.


    Additional requirements.


    Cemetery uses shall be perpetual care and must meet all applicable state regulations pertaining to cemetery developments.


    A solid opaque fence or masonry wall with a minimum height of six (6) feet and/or fifteen-foot buffer in accordance with section 4.17 of this chapter shall be required along all property lines abutting a residential district.


    Other regulations. The headings below contain additional, but not necessarily all, provisions applicable to uses allowed in the P-I district.

    City of Cartersville Landscaping Ordinance.

    City of Cartersville Sign Ordinance.

(Ord. No. 25-16, § 1, 11-17-16)