§ 13.7. Screening and fencing.  

Latest version.
  • Shall be required as follows:


    Refuse areas (dumpster) shall be placed in the least visible location from public streets, and shall be enclosed on three (3) sides with brick or stone opaque walls, with the fourth side being an opaque closing gate. Height of an opaque wall shall be at least twelve (12) inches higher than the receptacle.


    Chain link fences are not allowed in the front yards. Where allowed, all chain link fences shall be vinyl coated, hunter green, brown or black.


    Opaque fences are prohibited adjacent to a public street.


    All loading areas shall be screened from view of any public street by either a minimum six-foot high opaque fence matching the material of the building, or a fifteen-foot wide landscape strip planted with a continuous hedge of evergreen shrubs. Shrubs shall be moderately growing, be a minimum height of three and one-half (3½) feet to four (4) feet at time of planting, and reach a height of six (6) feet within two (2) years of planting.


    All detention ponds shall have a minimum ten-foot wide landscape strip with plantings based on a plan submitted to and approved by the zoning administrator.