§ 14.7. Landscaping requirements.  

Latest version.
  • All developments shall comply with the following minimum landscape requirements:

    Border landscaping—Building: Five (5) feet wide (none between building and truck courts).

    Border landscaping—Vehicular use area: Five (5) feet wide.

    Trees along vehicular use area: One (1) per seventy-five (75) feet.

    Border landscaping—Road ROW: One (1) per thirty (30) feet, ten (10) feet wide.

    Parking lot landscaping islands: One hundred sixty (160) square feet, required at end of each row; i.e., three hundred twenty (320) square feet for double row.

    Parking lot landscaping—Trees: One (1) tree per island.

    Parking lot landscaping—Spaces: One (1) island per twelve (12) spaces.

    New plant materials—Trees: Eight (8) feet in height at planting, fifteen (15) feet at maturity.


    Parking lot terminal island design. Each single and double row of parking spaces shall be terminated by landscaped islands, no less than nine (9) feet in width and no less than fifteen (15) feet in length and shall include at least one (1) tree having no branches maintained below five (5) feet in height for visibility. The remainder of the island shall be adequately landscaped with shrubs and ground cover with a height of no more than three (3) feet at maturity. Islands may contain no curbs, elevated curbs or depressed curbs.


    Parking lot interior island design. A minimum of one (1) interior island shall be provided for every fifteen (15) parking spaces or fraction thereof. One (1) tree required per island having no branches maintained below five (5) feet in height for visibility. The remainder of the island shall be adequately landscaped with shrubs and ground cover with a height of no more than three (3) feet at maturity. Islands may contain no curbs, elevated curbs or depressed curbs.


    New plant materials.


    Trees. A tree shall attain an average crown spread over fifteen (15) feet at maturity. Trees having an average crown spread of less than fifteen (15) feet may be substituted by grouping the same so as to create the equivalent of a fifteen-foot crown spread. All trees shall be of a species which can be maintained with a minimum of five (5) feet of trunk height. New trees shall have a minimum of two and one-half (2.5) inches diameter at breast height (DBH) measured four and one-half (4.5) feet above ground and shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet in overall height immediately after planting.


    Shrubs. Shrubs shall be a minimum of one (1) foot in height when measured at the time of planting.