§ 17.2. Drainage, construction, and maintenance.  

Latest version.
  • In nonsingle-family districts, all off-street parking, loading, and service areas shall be drained so as to prevent damage to abutting properties and/or public streets and shall be paved with a material such as concrete, asphalt or pavers which will assure a surface resistant to erosion. Outdoor storage yards and less traveled interior drives in commercial and industrial areas may be surfaced with gravel; the use of impervious surface materials such as concrete or asphalt is discouraged on outdoor storage yards and less traveled interior drives because of increased stormwater runoff associated with such paving materials. Driveways and parking spaces for all single-family uses shall be surfaced with an all-weather surface material (e.g., gravel, pavers, concrete, or asphalt); when gravel is used as a surface material on driveways serving single-family uses, a concrete or asphalt paved apron shall be required to meet the road; said apron shall have a minimum length of five (5) feet. All such areas shall be at all times maintained at the expense of the owners thereof, in a clean, orderly, and dust-free condition.