§ 22.2. Applications for amendments.  

Latest version.
  • 22.2.1.

    Applications. Each application required by this chapter, including without limitation, to amend this chapter, or the official zoning maps shall be filed with the zoning administrator. The following requirements for information are mandatory, unless the requirement is deleted by the zoning administrator. The zoning administrator may require additional information to evaluate the application, the suitability of the proposed use, and other aspects of any proposed development, and any such information shall be provided. Such information is not required for city-initiated applications.


    Fee. Along with the application, a nonrefundable application fee is to be submitted at the time the application is submitted, pursuant to the fee schedule as adopted by the City of Cartersville at section 17-85 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Cartersville, Georgia.


    Procedure. Zoning numbers will be issued to applicants. A schedule may be obtained from the zoning office. All applications must be complete and submitted by the end of the business day on the date the zoning number is issued. Incomplete applications will not be accepted, except with permission of the zoning administrator. Furthermore, applicants not filing a complete application on the date the zoning number is issued will forfeit their assigned number, and will have to request a new number no sooner than the next available date to accept applications, once their application is complete and ready for submission.


    Text amendment applications. Text amendment applications shall include the following minimum information, unless the requirement(s) listed below are waived by the zoning administrator. Additional information may also be requested by the zoning administrator:


    Name and current address of the applicant;


    Current provisions of the text to be affected by the amendment;


    Proposed wording of text change; and


    Reason for the amendment request.


    Names and addresses of the applicant, owners and their agents, if any, authorized to apply for an amendment; and


    An initiating party shall also file any other information or supporting materials that are required by the mayor and city council, planning commission, or zoning administrator.


    Zoning map amendment. Official zoning map amendment applications shall include the following minimum information, unless the requirement(s) listed below are waived by the zoning administrator. Additional information may also be requested by the zoning administrator:


    A tax parcel card from the Bartow County Tax Assessor identifying the parcel to be rezoned, or the parent parcel of the parcel to be rezoned, if a split or subdivision is occurring;


    One (1) copy of a plat, drawn to scale, showing north arrow, land lot and district, the dimensions, acreage and location of the tract prepared by an architect, engineer, landscape architect or land surveyor whose state registration is current and valid. The preparer's seal shall be affixed to the plat. The plat must be drawn in accordance with the GA State plane NAD83 West Zone US Feet, Coordinate System and all submissions are expected to be in True North, not magnetic north. For subdivision or nonresidential developments, an additional electronic copy of the plat shall be submitted by the applicant, owner or developer to the engineering department;


    The present and proposed zoning district for the tract;


    Existing and intermediate regional floodplain and structures, as shown on the Federal Emergency Management Agency FIRM rate maps for the City of Cartersville, if any;


    The names and addresses of the owners of the land and their agents, if any;


    The names and addresses of all adjoining property owners. In determining the adjoining property owners, streams and road, street or railroad rights-of-way shall be disregarded;


    No application for the rezoning of any property for a residential subdivision shall be accepted for filing unless the application is accompanied by a letter from the local government that will supply water to the property stating that public water is available to the property;


    Indicate all existing site improvements and confirmation of the availability of all public utilities.


    Street address, tax map parcel number(s), and the location of the tract proposed to be zoned with respect to nearby public streets.


    The area of the land proposed to be zoned in acres, and square feet.


    Such other and additional information as may be requested by the zoning administrator.


    Application schedule. Applications shall be submitted according to the schedule set by the zoning administrator. Application fees for an application to amend this chapter and/or the official zoning maps shall be established by the mayor and city council and made available by the zoning administrator.


    Proposed conditions. With respect to amendments to the official zoning maps, an applicant may file site plans, renderings, construction specifications, written development restrictions and other conditions which the applicant proposes as binding conditions upon the development and use of the property involved in the application.