All reports, communications, ordinances, resolutions, contract documents, and other
matters to be submitted to the council shall, at least sixteen (16) business hours
prior to each council meeting, be delivered to the city manager; whereupon the city
manager shall immediately arrange a list of such matters according to the order of
business. The city manager shall furnish each member of the council, the city clerk,
and the city attorney with a copy of the agenda at least ten (10) business hours prior
to the council meeting or as far in advance of the meeting as time for preparation
will permit. All ordinances and resolutions filed with the city manager for council
action must be accompanied by an explanation sheet in such form as the city manager
shall require. Any item not filed with the city manager by the time specified shall
be placed on the agenda only by a majority vote of the councilmembers present at the
council meeting.
(Code 1976, § 2-1002)
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