Every dwelling, building or structure within the city which: (i) is constructed or
maintained in violation of applicable codes in force within the city; (ii) is unfit
for human habitation or commercial, industrial or business use or occupancy due to
inadequate provisions for ventilation, light, air, sanitation, or open spaces; (iii)
poses an imminent harm to life or other property due to fire, flood, hurricane, tornado,
earthquake, storm or other natural catastrophe; (iv) is vacant and used in the commission
of drug crimes; (v) is occupied and used repeatedly for the commission of illegal
activities, including facilitating organized crime or criminal enterprises, after
written notice to the owner of such activities conducted therein; (vi) is abandoned;
or (vii) otherwise constitutes an endangerment to the public health or safety as a
result of unsanitary or unsafe conditions, is hereby declared a public nuisance. Every
private property within the city on which is being regularly conducted any activity
or land use in violation of applicable laws and ordinances, including the zoning ordinance
of this city, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. Property which may be deemed
esthetically substandard or deteriorating shall not meet the definition of a public
nuisance unless the overall condition or use of the property results in impaired health,
safety, transmission of disease, infant mortality, or crime.
(Ord. No. 19-16, § 1, 10-6-16)
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