Cartersville |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 9-34. Fire hydrant testing, maintenance and identification.
Purpose. This is to provide a standard system for hydrant color identification and establish a practice of maintenance for fire hydrants within the jurisdiction of the Cartersville Fire Department. This system shall be referenced to AWWA Manual M17, Installation, Field Testing, and Maintenance of Fire Hydrants, and NFPA 291 latest edition or latest referenced section defining fire flow testing and marking hydrants.
All hydrants shall be flowed and tested in accordance with approved practices of I.S.O., AWWA and the NFPA. At the conclusion of such a test of the water system it shall determine the GPM flow for that hydrant. Hydrants then will be color coded in the following fashion in accordance NFPA 291:
Barrels: Safety Yellow Bonnets and Caps: GPM flow 0 to 499 - Safety Red GPM flow 500 to 999 - Safety Orange GPM flow 1000 to 1499 - Safety Green GPM flow 1500 + - Safety Blue Out of Service - Safety Yellow Trim of bonnet: Silver or White Reflective (if available) NOTE: Color coding is only descriptive of what the GPM flow was at the time of the last documented test. It in no way guarantees that the hydrant will flow that GPM at the time of an incident and does not take into account any high demands, broken mains, closed valves or other events that could affect the GPM flow. Color coding is only used as a general reference to what the potential flow may be at any given time and citizens and staff shall be aware and prepared for GPM changes.
Special colors: If a non-national standard thread hydrant is located, caps are to be painted gloss black. All out of service hydrants shall be solid yellow with no reflective strip until placed in service or removed. All private hydrants are to be painted a solid red barrels, bonnets and caps.
Annual flow testing is to be coordinated between the Cartersville Fire Department and Cartersville Water Department.
Property public notification will be issued well in advance of any testing or flowing to insure that the public is aware of potential water discoloration.
An annual maintenance schedule and visual check program shall be established by Cartersville Fire Department each and every year.
A system shall be established where all test data is properly recorded within Cartersville Fire Department's record system. All test data shall also be supplied to the Cartersville Water Department.
A record of malfunctions, corrections and system changes shall be recorded. This information is to be correct, consistent and transparent between Cartersville Fire Department and Cartersville Water Department.
Any malfunctions of the system, while performing work on the system, is to be immediately reported to the battalion chief or acting B/C. In turn they will insure that the proper water department officials have been notified.
Personnel and citizen safety shall maintain a high priority.
All fire hydrants are to be opened and closed very slowly to prevent water hammer, line damage and equipment failure.
Effective date. The ordinance codified in this section is effective upon adoption, and all hydrants are to be color-coded within thirty (30) days of the adoption of this section.
(Ord. No. 06-14, § 1, 2-2-14)