§ 3.1. Zoning districts.  

Latest version.
  • In order that the purposes of this chapter as defined in Article I may be accomplished, there are hereby established within the City of Cartersville, the zoning districts identified as follows:


    AG Agricultural: The purpose of this district is to encourage the retention and development of suitable areas for common farm practices and various compatible nonfarm uses, preservation of open space, the conservation and management of soil, water, air, game, and other natural resources and amenities, and to discourage the creation or continuation of conditions which could detract from the function, operation, and appearance of areas to provide food supplies and to prevent or minimize conflicts between common farm practices and nonfarm uses.


    R-20 Single-family residential: The purpose of this district is to provide low density residential areas for single-family detached dwellings with minimum lot sizes of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.


    R-15 Single-family residential: The purpose of this district is to provide low density residential areas for single-family detached dwellings with minimum lot sizes of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet.


    R-10 Single-family residential: The purpose of this district is to provide medium density residential areas for single-family detached dwellings with minimum lot sizes of ten thousand (10,000) square feet.


    R-10A Manufactured, industrialized, modular, and prefabricated residential: The purpose of this district is to provide orderly development of residential areas for single-family detached dwellings of manufactured and industrialized housing, modular dwellings, and prefabricated dwellings.


    R-7 Single-family residential: The purpose of this district is to conserve the higher density residential areas in and adjacent to the historic downtown for single-family detached dwellings with minimum lot sizes of seven thousand (7,000) square feet.


    R-D Single-family duplex residential: The purpose of this district is to provide higher density residential areas in downtown sections of the city for single-family duplex dwellings with minimum lot sizes of seven thousand (7,000) square feet per dwelling unit and open space as required.


    RA-12 Single-family residential: The purpose of this district is to provide orderly development of high density residential areas for single-family attached and detached dwellings not to exceed twelve (12) dwelling units per gross acre.


    RSL Residential senior living: The purpose of this district is to provide locations for the development of appropriate housing for the population age fifty-five (55) and older.


    MF-14 Multifamily residential: The purpose of this district is to provide orderly development of high density residential areas for multifamily residential uses not to exceed fourteen (14) dwelling units per gross acre.


    P-D Planned development: The purpose of this district is to provide suitable areas for development of planned communities at a density that allows a full range of residential uses and housing types; neighborhood retail, service, and office uses; and open space. The residential area may include single-family detached dwellings and/or attached dwellings such as patio homes, condominiums, or townhouses, and apartments.


    PC-D Planned commercial development: The purpose of this district is to provide suitable areas for development and redevelopment of commercial properties with the flexibility to allow a full range of uses and designs for retail, service, and/or office centers; outparcels; infill buildings; and open space.


    MHP Mobile home park residential: The purpose of this district is to provide orderly development of higher density areas specifically and exclusively for mobile homes and manufactured homes and to ensure adequate facilities and amenities are provided for a planned development.


    P-S Professional services: The purpose of this district is to provide suitable areas for professional business and service uses and related activities with a minimum of interference from traffic and conflicting uses.


    M-U Multiple use: The purpose of this district is to provide orderly development of areas in which residential, professional, commercial retail and services, financial, educational, and institutional uses can be compatibly mixed while maintaining a healthy living environment for the residents of the district.


    N-C Neighborhood commercial: The purpose of this district is to provide suitable areas for limited commercial uses, including retail, service, and offices, in close proximity to residential neighborhoods.


    DBD Downtown business district: The purpose of this district is to enhance and preserve the historic downtown business district of the city while providing for a wide variety of sales and services and professional offices and also providing for residential dwellings within existing commercial and office buildings in the district.


    O-C Office/commercial: The purpose of this district is to provide and protect convenient areas for community shopping facilities consisting of a wide variety of retail, services, and professional offices.


    G-C General commercial: The purpose of this district is to provide for and encourage the proper grouping and development of roadside uses which include a wide variety of sales and services that will accommodate the needs of the city and the traveling public in order to reduce highway traffic congestion, traffic hazards, and blight along the public streets of the city.


    L-I Light industrial: The purpose of this district is to provide and protect areas for those industrial uses which do not create noise, odor, smoke, dust or other emissions and which do not possess other objectionable characteristics which might be detrimental to surrounding neighborhoods or other uses permitted in the district, and provide areas for other uses as permitted.


    H-I Heavy industrial: The purpose of this district is to provide and protect areas for those industrial uses which cannot comply with the regulations of the L-I district but do comply with all state and federal guidelines for emissions and discharge of effluents into the air, water, and soil, and to provide areas for other uses as permitted.


    MN Mining: The purpose of this district is to provide areas for mining and related activities exclusive from any other industrial uses; promote the orderly development and reclamation of mined areas; provide a proper relationship between mining areas and adjoining land uses; assure minimum area, safety and service requirements; provide for the extraction of minerals, ores and other solid matter for sale or for processing or for consumption, in compliance with the Georgia Surface Mining Act of 1968, as amended or to be amended, rules and regulations pursuant thereto and in compliance with all applicable federal laws and regulations.


    P-I Public/institutional: The purpose of this district is to provide areas for public land, parks, governmental buildings and facilities, cemeteries, crematories, and educational and institutional uses.


    FG Fair ground: The purpose of this district is to provide areas for carnivals, fairs, and related activities exclusive from any other institutional and/or commercial uses.